The Matching Pairs Mats (2)

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16+ Fun Games to Play!

There are 16 fun games for the children to play together once you cut out the cards and create the sets.

On each mat there are 24 cards, divided into 4 sets with six cards in each set.

Each set of 6 cards is clearly labelled in the bottom right corner to help teachers and students to quickly sort them into their respective sets 1 to 8.

These cards are to be cut out by the teacher or classroom assistant along the dotted lines to make packs of 6.

Collect and upcycle a few containers and tubs in which to store the cards.

A set of 48 cards between each pair or three students and you will have a suite of regular skill building activities at your disposal.

Learning objective: To identify, read, count, and match colours, words and numbers from 1 to 6

Instructions: Cut out all sets of cards and arrange into respective sets of six.

Aim: To find matching pairs.


  • Choose and combine two sets of cards that work well together to make 12 (suggestions below)
  • Shuffle the cards and deal out all 12 cards face down on the table
  • Children take turns to turn up 2 cards, hoping to make a matching pair
  • Once a pair is made, the child takes those two cards
  • Whoever has the most cards at the end is the winner

Card sets are identified as follows:

Card Set 1: Colour words written in black: green red orange blue blue yellow (two blues as there are 2 blue bricks)
Card Set 2: Six cards with six colour splashes (each to match a six bricks colour)
Card Set 3: Sets of Six Bricks in stacks of single colours
Card Set 4: Six cards with numerals written in black: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Card Set 5: Six cards with number words written in black: one two three four five six
Card Set 6: Six bricks in sets, singularly unattached & randomly arranged
Card Set 7: Six bricks in stacks of multiple colours as follows
Card Set 8: Six cards with large dot patterns in dice arrangements

Play Combinations: Two Sets

Game 1
Combine: Set 1 + Set 2
Objective: to read 6 colour words and match the words to colour splashes

Game 2
Combine: Set 1 + Set 3
Objective: to read 6 colour words and match to brick stacks of same colour

Game 3
Combine: Set 3 + Set 4
Objective: to match numerals 1 to 6 to equivalent sets of bricks

Game 4
Combine: Set 4 + Set 5
Objective: to read written numbers 1 to 6 and match to equivalent numerals 1 to 6

Game 5
Combine: Set 5 + Set 8
Objective: to read and match word numbers 1 to 6 to dot patterns 1 to 6

Game 6
Combine: Set 6 + Set 8
Objective: to match equivalent number of bricks to equivalent number of bricks

Game 7
Combine: Set 5 + set 6
Objective: to match number words 1 to 6 to equivalent sets of bricks

Game 8
Combine: Set 6 + Set 7
Objective: to match scattered sets of bricks to equivalent stacked sets of bricks

Game 9
Combine: Set 7 + Set 8
Objective: to match dot pattern 1 to 6 to equivalent stacked brick set 1 to 6

Game 10
Combine: Set 4 + Set 8
Objective: to match numeral to equivalent dot set

Game 11
Combine: Set 4 + Set 7
Objective: to match numeral to equivalent brick stack

Game 12
Combine: Set 1 + Set 6
Objective: to read and match colour word to equivalent colour set of bricks

Play Combinations: Three Sets

Game 13
Combine: Set 1 + Set 2 + Set 3
Objective: to match written colour word + colour splash + set of bricks of same colour

Game 14
Combine: Set 4 + Set 5 + Set 8
Objective: to match numeral, written number word and equivalent dot pattern set

Game 15
Combine: Set 5 + Set 6 + Set 7
Objective: to match a number word 1 to 6 to equivalent scattered set of bricks and equivalent stacked set of bricks

Game 16
Combine: Set 3 + Set 6 + Set 7
Objective: to match 3 equivalent sets of bricks

Extension: To really extend the more able children, create some 4 set combinations. Some that work well together include:
Set 3 + Set 4 + Set 5 + Set 8
Set 1 + Set 2 + Set 3 + Set 6
Set 3 + Set 5 + Set 6 + Set 7

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